May 2023.

The management team of the Overberg-based Klipheuwel Wind Farm took part in the Western Cape Government’s most recent Energy Digicon, which forms part of it Energy Resilience Programme. The team was pleased to welcome the Province’s delegation and outline the role that this wind farm plays in powering thousands of homes each month.

Following the visit to the power plant, Premier Alan Winde, who heads up the Digicon events, invited delegates to join Klipheuwel Wind Farm Managing Director, Dhesen Moodley in a session that explored the potential of wind energy becoming a more integral component in the province and country’s energy mix.

As part of this 9th edition of the Energy Digicon, Moodley highlighted the significant challenge of limited grid capacity that the country so desperately needs to overcome and furthermore explained the importance of accelerated grid investment, to lead the country out of load shedding.

As reported in the South African News Gazette, Premier Winde commented, ‘Apart from tapping power into thousands of households in the Overberg region, the Klipheuwel Wind Farm turbines have become something of an iconic landmark for the area, as well as a reminder of the power of innovation and the increasing need for us to look to renewable energy sources, such as wind, which is in abundance in our province, to help us become energy resilient.’

Klipheuwel Wind Farm, which is majority owned by Globeleq covers over 350 hectares, in the Caledon area of the Western Cape.

“This Overberg project, is one of 37 wind farms in South Africa, helping to meet the growing demaind for clean energy. Collectively they have far reaching benefits for the country’s power sector, economy and people,” added Mr Pieter Oosthuizen, Asset Director Globeleq South Africa Management Services, and part of the delegation.